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The back of two figures looking at a plaque featuring two soldiers in the gallery.

About Memorials

Launched in 2009, the Queensland War Memorial Register is a joint venture, preserving the legacy of service personnel for future generations.

The Queensland War Memorial Register records the sites that are sacred to the memory of those that served. It is designed to provide information for historians and to assist present and future generations understand how the dedication and courage of Australia’s youth created a spirit and national identity for our country. The site looks to document many types of memorials including cenotaphs, statues, obelisks, columns, gates, memorial buildings or facilities, avenues of trees and more. 

It was an initiative of the Queensland Government and was launched on ANZAC Day 2009. It was developed as a joint venture with the Queensland Branch of the Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL), with the active participation of all local government authorities and with contributions from the community.  

The Department of Public Works maintained the register from 2009-2014, with the Department of Environment and Science hosting the site from 2014-2023.  

Anzac Square is proud to continue to make this rich resource widely available.